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God Is Moving!

May God's Name Be Glorified

Testimony's From India 
Our Latest Trip

Notes of Praise
From The Desk of:
Miss. Anikarolin Our Project Manager

There were 30 people healed and felt the presence
of God because of your Payers and Gospel words...


This sister name is M.Sivakami (38).she lives in Ayyampalayam village. She has had chronic stomach pain for the past 2 years.

She visited many doctors but to no avail.

An evangelistic meeting was held in our village on 4-13 2022  She  prayed in faith with Pastor Gary Stlaurent.

God heard the prayer and answered it. Within a week her stomach pain was cured. She also regularly attends the  prayer meetings of Pastor Paul Yangi Cho in the village.



This daughter's name is R. Bhumika (9 years old) She was suffering from not being able to speak properly since birth>


In the children's ministry held in our village, Pastor Gary Stlaurent attended and prayed for everyone. Then the Lord touched the tongue of this little girl!


  God has done a miracle to speak and sings well today Glory be to God.



Our Mission


Reaching The Lost and Building Mission Srilanka and India.


We support and oversee many pastors and their work through occasional visits to the Tamil speaking people and video  teaching and fellowship communications around the world.


 Pastor Paul and  Apostle Gary are Ministers, with a  long history of many years helping reach the lost. Gary was first Licensed as a minister in 1980, and has been a worship leader for 40 yrs. and has been ministering to the lost; the hungry, the homeless, the addict, and promoted home groups. Gary joined Paul in 2016  on a trip to Srilanka. He also joins with him to minister to the refugees in Western New York and Canada.


Brother Paul is from  Srilanka, An American Citizen for many years. As a young Hindu man, he was a soldier in the army and persecuted the church until he was dying of  cancer. After He was raised from the dead, he followed Christ and has ministered in many nations over 25 yrs. He now lives in Buffalo NY, sharing the home of Gary.


Both have been to bible college and are respected as responsible, and faithful believers who are Spirit filled evangelicals. 


Signs and wonders follow them!





Thank Your For Giving To The Lord

62 Gladstone Street Buffalo New York 14207

Your Support
To India and Srilanka Aids
Children And Adult Services

  • Food And Missions
  • Orphanages Evangelism
  • T.V. Messages to Asia and Europe
  • Teaching Materials: Bibles Tracks
  • School Tuition 
  • Medical Care
  • Reuniting Family's
  • Refuge Camps

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