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Dream/ Apostle Gary Stlaurent

Updated: Jul 2, 2022

I was at a highway rest stop

I was at a highway rest stop. I was on a journey to a ministry. I was many miles away from home, and had many miles more to travel to get to a place. It was winter and there was snow on the road. I somehow had no car. It was gone and I was stranded. I also had no wallet and no phone. I seen a bible college classmate of mine from my past college days in the rest area,

I was at a highway rest stop. I was on a journey to a ministry. I was many miles away from home, and had many miles more to travel to get to a place. It was winter and there was snow on the road. I somehow had no car. It was gone and I was stranded. I also had no wallet and no phone. I seen a bible college classmate of mine from my past college days in the rest area, and asked him for a ride. He says ‘you can walk. You can do it. I tried to reason with him but he had no compassion at all. Then he left me. Shortly after I seen 2 young Christian ladies whom I slightly recognized from my town. They recognized me and gave a nod. They were energetic Christians who loved the Lord. I just knew they would help me.


The disciplined religious man would not help me. God helps those who help themselves attitude.

But those who had true faith (those Ladies), will have compassion and act upon it.

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